Educational activities

School year 2022-2023

Elementary Schools

The educational programmes for children of elementary schools are not executed by the museum education personnel until June 2023.


the teachers of the 5th and 6th grade of the Elementary School, if they wish, they can organise their visit on their own and select one of the following activities:

  • the Cards for the museum visit 
  • Aspects of everyday life in the Palaeochristian period
    Phone reservations: 2313 306422

See also the memory game for students of earlier ages (Nursery School, 1st to 4th grade of Elementary School)

Middle School-High School 

Learning about Byzantine seals. From bullae to IPS. The programme is executed by the museum education personnel and regards one school unit each time.

The rest educational activities are executed exclusively by the school teachers.

  • Cards for the museum visit
  • Past and present faces of time

You can schedule your visit in the following phone numbers:
2313 306476 and 2313 306420.


Students, Teachers


The museum provides the educational material free to all schools


Museum galleries